Yacht Club


The Yacht Club Partnership is an exclusive opportunity designed for those committed to living life at a level few never attain.

Limited to a select group of exclusive members worldwide, the Yacht Club provides the unprecedented opportunity to network with and learn from Residual Roads coaches and master teachers from around the world, while traveling on a Yacht to some of the most spectacular destinations on earth.

You will create stories you will tell for a lifetime.

Members of the Yacht Club Partnership receive exclusive invitations to up to three amazing adventures per year. Residual Roads Executives join the Yacht Club Partners on selected trips as they learn, network, and play in such diverse locations as a private Yacht ride to Turks and Caicos, the cascading beaches of Inagua Island, a private session in Barbados, 70 mph jet-skiraces in South Beach, a private invitation to Saint Kitts and Nevis.

There is no grander extravagance than a life of adventure.

The Yacht Club is an incomparable, intimate tier of extraordinary people committed to reaching personal and professional triumph, and to giving back and sharing their good fortune with those open to receiving.